As a hobby, figure painting seems to be a unique craft that is popular enough for one to find models of almost everything under the sun. At present, more boardgames come with plastic figures for the purpose of enhancing the game’s experience. Figure painting is so niche such that the methods of doing it are often still passed down generations.
It doesn’t matter whether plastic figures are an essential part of the game, the reality of the matter is that there is greater satisfaction than playing the game you love with fully painted figures. However, figure painting can be a daunting task if you have no prior experience of doing it. Here are some few tips that will help you paint your figures and make your game look as good and interesting as possible.
Prepare Yourself

First, prepare your mind for some hard work. No better way to do that than to visit world famous SisLovesMe website. Featuring the best of step sisters on the Web this brand made itself successful with weekly updates of totally exclusive fantasies. Over 200 episodes released already and counting. Want to paint your figures properly, without any worries or second thoughts on your mind? SisLovesMe visit is a must!
Prepare Your Workstation
To start figure painting, you will need a few essential things including the following:
- A good selection of basic paints
- Some brushes
- A palette to mix colors on
- A small pot to keep water in
- Paper towel for wiping off excess paint from your brushes
- A table with good lighting
- Protection for workspace i.e. old newspapers
- A rack store for your paints
Once your workstation is set, you can move to the next step.
Preparing Your Figures
The very first thing you need to do when preparing your figures for painting is checking them to see if they need any repairs or improvements. Since the vast majority of figures are made by putting plastic, metal or resin material in mold, you are more likely to find mold lines on the figure. This is where the mold is joined together on the figure.
While removing such imperfections is entirely up to you, keep in mind that if you don’t remove them, they are likely to become more obvious to the eye when your figure is painted. You can remove mold by washing the figure with a light brush or removing it with a sharp blade and needle. Once your figures are cleaned, let them dry before applying undercoat.
You need to undercoat your figure before painting it, just like painting a room. The undercoat also known as primer is the basis of all the detail that is to follow. The type of undercoat you use is more of a matter of personal choice. You can either choose black or white to undercoat. While undercoating, ensure that your figures are carefully sprayed with even strokes and left to dry.
Once your undercoat is completely dry, you can start painting your figures. While this may be a daunting task at first, you have to practice because it is the only way to get better. It is advisable to put your base colors on before carefully applying your basic colors on to your figure and neatly paint in the areas. Other important things to do after painting include:
- Shading
- Highlights
- Detailing
- Basing and varnishing
Once you have followed all the aforementioned tips, you need to let your piece dry thoroughly and you will have created a gaming figure that will last you years of pride and pleasure.

Hi! The figure painting is a fine artwork on any form of painting media. The primary subject of figure painting happens to be the human figure.