The panoramic perspective, of figurative painting, is strong in the present world, not due to the commercial gain behind it, but the manner in which the artists are portraying the silent issues of the society and the issues that we are facing in the present generation. All of us are part of a time when we are confronted with a scenario of what it literally means to be a human in one kind of the body or another. The below mentioned female artists are all in the process of creating fugitive painting which speaks to the present and provides indications on what is the store for the future
Jordan Casteel
Born in 1989, she works and lives in New York. She has gone to portray large scale paintings of black men which depict the surroundings that she has been part of. She is more interested in sharing the sensitive along with humanistic stories of her community. All her paintings are part of a group show in Manchester ,and most of them revolve around the plight of young men and boys.
She was born in Tehran, Iran in 1976 and currently works in the capital of Belgium Brussels. Most of her work revolves around the primary impulse and the human struggles related to human beings. She was more focused on the interactions between men and women and according to her a thin line of difference tends to exist between our desires and fears. Her recent paintings show some white nude females in a group where they can mingle with the animals
Becky Koslrud
She was born in Los Angles in the year 1984 and currently works in California. In recent times she has gone on to feature in two groups shows in California. In fact, she has garnered a lot of attention in the portray of human beings particularly being cress-crossed gates. All the pictures in her characters are a reflection of the modern times and you can say that it was invented in her wildest imaginations. In her paintings, she went on to relate an abstract subject to a ground idea.
Nina Abney
Born in the year 1982, she currently works in New York. Personal experience and dreams inspire her work to a large extent. All her paintings depict an aura of color, class, and race. All the subject matter that is chosen by her is truly contemporary in nature. In her recent works, a lot of brutalities has been exposed by the police forces and you can compare it to the Black lives Matter movement.
Pamela Sun strum
She was born in the year 1980 in Botswana and currently resides in South Africa. In her work she often tries to respond to stories and the figure is one of the best mechanisms to achieve that drive. As she was trained as a dancer, she has gone on to model her body while challenging the wide-ranging perceptions that are associated with the human body in general.

Hi! The figure painting is a fine artwork on any form of painting media. The primary subject of figure painting happens to be the human figure.